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Unlocking Wellness: Why Emotional Stress Matters Most

In today’s fast-paced world, understanding and managing stress is vital for overall well-being. Stress comes in various forms, including physical, chemical, and emotional stressors. I want to shed light on these three types of stress, their origins, their impact on health, and actionable strategies to mitigate them. The more we understand the impact stress has on our body, the easier it becomes to make changes.

Physical Stress

Physical stress often stems from accidents, injuries, or even poor ergonomics at work. It’s an immediate bodily response to external factors. Physical stress can lead to muscle tension, joint discomfort, and potentially chronic issues if left unaddressed. Moreover, it can exacerbate emotional stress due to physical discomfort.

Chemical Stress

Chemical stress arises from exposure to toxins like heavy metals, environmental pollutants, or certain medications. Even viral infections can introduce chemical stressors to the body.

Chemical stress can harm organs, disrupt bodily functions, and weaken the immune system, potentially leading to chronic health problems

repeatedly, our brains become wired to follow familiar, often negative thought patterns. It’s as if the brain takes the path of least resistance, which often leads to negative thinking.

The Familiarity Bias - Our brains have a tendency to favour the familiar. When faced with choices, the brain tends to select the path it knows best, even if it’s not the healthiest or most constructive one. Emotional stress, with its persistent negative emotions, becomes a familiar path that the brain readily follows. This makes breaking free from negative thinking a daunting challenge.

The Reinforcement Loop - The longer we dwell in negative thoughts and emotions, the deeper the neural pathways associated with these feelings become entrenched. It’s like repeatedly walking the same trail in a forest—eventually, it forms a well-worn path that’s hard to deviate from. Emotional stress can create a self-reinforcing loop of negativity, which can lead to a myriad of mental and physical health issues.

Our emotional well-being forms the foundation upon which our thoughts, behaviors, and relationships are built. Recognizing the significance of emotional stress is the first step towards fostering a healthier mindset.

While all forms of stress require attention and management, understanding the profound impact of emotional stress empowers us to take charge of our mental landscape. By acknowledging the power of our emotions and actively working towards positive emotional well-being, we can rewrite the mental scripts that guide our lives.

Using breathwork, energy healing, meditation and yoga, we can begin to understand how our minds are programmed and take steps to change and alter our own thought-pattern.

Courtney Love



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